Sunday, October 6, 2013

Why now?

Over the last several months, there has been a lot of discussion about Pope Francis's comment on homosexuality. I keep asking Why now?  Pope Francis made the comment to reporters that "If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?  We shouldn't marginalize people for this.  They must be integrated into society." There is a large part of me that feels that Pope Francis truly does feel this way, but there is also a part of me that feels it needed to be done.  I've worked for enough large corporations when sales and profits were down and something major had to happen.  The church's attendance of parishioners has been declining sharply over the last decade which in turn means so is donations to the church.  What does a big business or corporation do when revenue is down?  They either lay off or redo their business plan!  Well we can't have a bunch of cardinals and priest running around unemployed and filing for unemployment, so I'm sure the latter was the better choice.  And when a business whose sales and revenue are down, they play to their public at large.  Hmmmm what will get people back into the church's doors with their pocket books open....Let the homosexuals in without judgment!

Now this is what I don't understand, the Bible preaches that homosexuality is a sin, not just homosexuals that don't believe in Christianity, but all homosexuals.  Is the Bible going to be rewritten?  I mean it could be.  It was written by man to start with.  A few changes here and there, who's going to know. 

I have to admit though, my favorite part of Pope Francis's quote is that "they should be integrated into society".  Really, how kind of you.  We are of all the same society, regardless of color, race, religion, gender or sexual preference.  It shouldn't have to be spoken from the Pope's mouth to allow these individuals to participate in society and be treated with kindness just like anyone else.  I personally don't have to have the Pope tell me to be nice to everyone.

So this brings me to my Why question.  Why do others?  Why do other's have to hear the Pope say it's ok to be kind and loving to people that aren't like them?  Are we that flaccid as a society?  That's pretty scary if we are.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic! This is the type of editorial I would expect to reas on the Huff Post!
