I don't know if it is because I am the youngest of four children and took part in raising my youngest brother who is ten and half years younger than I am, but I cannot stop asking why. Why pops into my head every time I hear a politician speak on what he stands for or when someone is speaking out on their religious or political views. I always seem to want more answers. When watching Meet the Press or other television commentary shows that encourage discussion whether on politics, religion, or the flavor of the month discussion, I want the commentators to go one step further and ask one more question. Sometimes I wonder why I care so much. I've even had friends ask me why I care so much and my only response back to them is "Why don't you?"
I have become infatuated with the word Why. Every question that starts with why is an opened-ended question which can only spur a great discussion. That fascinates me because most people want to state their opinion but they don't want to be asked why they feel that way or why they did what they did. One Why question can lead to another Why question to keep the discussion going until an understanding is agreed upon or all answers are on the table. And in regards to politics, religion and other world views, asking why can help dig for the real answers, not ones that are fabricated to hide dirty little secrets. For instance, why is it alright for a senator to say he is against abortion when he has had an affair in the past with his secretary and had her have an abortion to keep the affair hidden? Does he really believe in abortion or is he just looking for votes from his constituents that also say they are against abortion? What's real, what's true? That leads to other great W words, such as when, what, where and who but I like asking why to get the discussion started!
I have so many questions and wonder if other people are feeling the same way as I do? When we listen to politicians and religious leaders are we only getting half-truths? Why do we just take for granted what they are saying is being said to better society? Maybe it is to just better their own inner circle. The only way to really know is to keep asking questions that stimulate conversation. And we should be able to ask these questions freely without being labeled as an anti-patriot or sacrilegious. It is easier to label the person negatively instead of answering the difficult question. People lose their comfort level when they are being asked difficult Why questions because it is impossible to answer a Why question with just yes or no. I feel it is even more important to start teaching children to ask open-ended Why questions to help them verbalize what they are feeling instead of teaching them to silence their thoughts and feelings. I'm hoping that if they are taught at a young age that it will span into their adulthood and our children will know how to start a discussion and actively participate in educated conversations. So many parents say to their children, "Because I said so" which inhibits their children's need for discussion but what is interesting is that no politician or religious leader would take the liberty of saying those words without sounding like a dictator. So start asking Why more often!!
My blogs from here on out will pertain to certain topics regarding politics, religion, world views, rights of men, women, children and animals and anything and everything where I need to know Why! Thank you ahead of time for reading and commenting on my blog. I welcome any Why questions and answers to my Why questions that come my way!!
Great first blog! Keep it up!