Why are you pro-choice? Why are you against pro-life? Roe vs Wade was upheld in 1973 and there are approximately 1.2 million abortions each year in this country. Seems like a large number but I was wondering how this would play out if abortion was completely illegal, even in regards to incest, rape, and the health and welfare of the mother? Let's say that these 1.2 million babies were born each year but first let's put some perspectives into place. Why do women get abortions? Let's see, the obvious choice is that women have unprotected sex and use abortion as birth control. Now using abortion for birth control seems absolutely ridiculous when there are multitudes of different kinds of birth control methods out there that are easily accessible. Well as long as they remain easily accessible. But let's move on.
Next obvious choice for women to seek an abortion would be because they became pregnant through incest or rape. Well hands down, I think anyone can see why a woman would be incline to terminate a pregnancy after incest or rape. But what if abortion was illegal in these situations and we force these women to have these unwanted children who were sired unwilling. First of all, how do we keep these women from dealing with all the emotional pain and trauma that goes along with the physical trauma they just endured from the rape and incest? Also, once the child is born, who is going to raise it? Do we force these women to raise these unwanted children? How do we force them to be good parents, to not abuse the child and to show the child love and tenderness? Or don't we as a society even care about that part of it? And if the man goes to jail for the rape and/or incest, then who is going to help pay for this child's well-being? The government? I mean we did just make her have this child that she didn't want. Instead, what if all these children were put up for adoption? Who is going to adopt 1.2 million children each year in this economy? Now granted there are wonderful individuals out there wanting a child desperately but 1.2 million per year?
The third reason for an abortion, and what I find to be somewhat of a no brainer, is the health and welfare of the mother. Where does it state anywhere that the welfare of the fetus is more important than the welfare of the mother? Now these are extreme cases but they do happen. And how can it be anyone's choice on how this situation is to be handled except for the mother herself, the father and their doctor? It's so easy to say, "Well I would do this in this situation." Why does anyone think they know what is best unless they have been in that exact situation.
I've asked myself these questions which lead to my own opinion on abortion. I find I am neither for or against. Because there are so many different situations for why abortions are done. I have never been raped or molested and I've never had to choose between my life and my child's. So that being said, I would never bring judgment down on anyone who made a decision based on those situations. And since birth control, for now is easily accessible, there is no reason to use abortion for birth control. And I'm not judging anyone, I am just stating a fact.
And one last Why question. Why would any employer refuse their female employees birth control? 98% of Catholics use birth control. What is seriously wrong with this picture?
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